PHOENIX partner BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN) presented PHOENIX-OITB with a booth at the acib MiniSymposium “Enhanced Sustainability in Pharma” held in Vienna on 13 January 2025.
The event brought leading pharma companies in Austria together with academic experts, non-profits and SMEs to discuss sustainability measures, regulatory challenges and technical innovations. Barbara Petschacher introduced PHOENIX-OITB and other initiatives in her overview presentation.
Starting with presentations, the event also featured a plenary discussion. Then participants gathered around discussion tables on various topics. BNN’s Susanne Resch co-led a discussion table on Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design.
Networking in the atmospheric “Kuppelsaal” on the top level of the TU Wien main building capped off an insightful event in which we could introduce PHOENIX’s services to interested members of pharma companies and academia.