PHOENIX OITB 2nd Open Call Q&A with Nazende Günday-Türeli
PHOENIX-OITB seeks to enable nano-pharmaceutical innovative products according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) production. It offers a single-entry point for a network of facilities, technologies, services and expertise for all the technology transfer aspects from characterisation, testing, verification up to scale-up, GMP-compliant manufacturing and regulatory guidance. The 2nd round of our Open Call offers funding to access these services.
We’ve seen a lot of interest in the Open Call and received several questions. To help our potential applicants, we sat down with PHOENIX OITB Scientific Coordinator Dr. Nazende Günday-Türeli to discuss the most frequently asked questions.
Hi Nazende! Tell us a little bit about the PHOENIX-OITB Open Call.
Nazende Günday-Türeli: Under the scope of the PHOENIX Open Call, we intend to validate the services from different categories that we developed during the project by a real case scenario. We want to make sure that we are ready to offer these services to end-users immediately once the project ends. And we believe that pro bono demo-cases of the Open Call offer a win-win situation for the service providers of the PHOENIX-OITB and its end users who don’t have access to such expertise and services for bringing their promising nanopharmaceuticals to higher TRLs (technology readiness levels).
What kind of impact can this Open Call have on users?
NGT: First of all, users will have access to the services and expertise provided by the PHOENIX-OITB, including production and characterisation under GMP conditions, as well as safety evaluation, through a single entry point where up to 100% of costs will be covered by the PHOENIX project. We hope that this will help applicants bring their product to GMP environment. Most importantly, applicants will meet with service providers offering their experience and expertise to guide them along the hard road to GMP.
Who can benefit the most from the Open Call?
NGT: PHOENIX-OITB’s concept and implementation strategy are designed to cover a wide range of nanopharmaceutical manufacturing and characterization methods, formulations and administration routes so that most methods and services of interest are available to the end-user. That means that any end-user seeking help to advance their nanopharmaceuticals towards GMP and clinics can benefit from this broad range of services.
Any legal entity based in the European Union or associate countries of H2020 can apply to this call.
What should applicants keep in mind when applying?
NGT: Applicants should highlight the strength of their nanopharmaceutical for scientific excellence, how it goes beyond the state of the art and, most importantly, what is the booster that they are lacking which could bring this nanopharmaceutical closer to GMP.
What does the timeline look like for applying, finding out if you were accepted, and gaining access to the promised services?
NGT: The application is split into two stages. The first-stage application is due 3 May 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by 31 May 2024, and will be invited to submit a second-stage detailed application. This is due 28 June 2024. The projects will need to be completed by the end of the PHOENIX OITB project in 2025.
Tell us about the review process – how do you decide whose project gets funded?
NGT: An Evaluation Committee will evaluate each proposal in terms of three main criteria: Excellence, Implementation and Impact.
How will PHOENIX-OITB deal with the IP of the submitted projects?
NGT: Upon successful completion of the evaluation process, a specific Confidentiality Agreement will be signed between the Disclosing Party and Receiving Party prior to establishing the Implementation Agreement. Applicants will be asked to identify their respective background in a separate list. This will be essential for the modifications of and derivative works to the background, as well as for the use and exploitation of joint results – if applicable.
Let’s say I am interested in the services offered by the PHOENIX OITB but my project doesn’t qualify for the Open Call. What are my options?
NGT: In the meantime we have launched a non-profit company, PHOENIX Single Entry Point (SEP), serving customers directly. Check out our website and contact us for an appointment!
What if an applicant isn’t sure which services would fit with their project?
NGT: Feel free to browse our Service Portfolio here. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at and we’ll respond as soon as we can.
And if they still have questions?
NGT: Contact us at and we’re happy to advise you!