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PHOENIX @ InterNanoPoland

InterNanoPoland is a Business-to-Science Science-to-Business international forum for scientists, entrepreneurs, business support organizations and students working in the nanotechnology and advanced materials sector.  The conference is organized by the NANONET Foundation & Silesian Nano Cluster in cooperation with the University of Silesia in Katowice that is a sister initiative to BNN based in Poland.

The conference took place 14-15th April for the first time online this year for obvious reasons and gathered not only more than 100 specialists in the sector but also initiated important discussions including those initiated by worldwide known experts like Denis Koltsov, Zina Cinker or Andreas Falk.

The latter moderated the thematic panel: FROM IDEA TO REALITY – IMPORTANT CORNERSTONES ON THE WAY TO THE (NANO)MARKET. Two important concepts were introduced: Safety-and-Sustainability-by-design as a cornerstone for sustainable innovation by Susanne Resch, BNN, and Open innovation test beds – their role on the way to the market by two existing infrastructures: PHOENIX – Pharmaceutical Open Innovation Test Bed for Enabling Nano-pharmaceutical Innovative Products by Nazende Günday-Türeli, MyBiotech GmbH, and NextGenMicrofluidics – Next generation test bed for upscaling of microfluidic devices based on nano-enabled surfaces and membranes by Martin Smolka, JOANNEUM RESEARCH ForschungsGmbH. It was followed by the panel discussion in which the main challenges and opportunities for both project coordinators and beneficiaries were pointed out. The session organized by BNN was initiated within NanoFabNet, the so-called hub for sustainable nanofabrication, and showcased the strength of inter-project collaboration as it is supported by this EU-funded project.