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3 PHOENIX stands at Austrian Long Night of Research

Last month, PHOENIX was present at 3 stands at the wildly popular public science event, Lange Nacht der Forschung, taking place in several cities across Austria.

In Linz, RECENDT GmbH – Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing provided insights into the world of non-destructive testing and measurement: how industrial components, food products or nanoparticles can be measured, characterized and tested directly during production, without cutting them up, without taking samples, without bringing them to the laboratory.

In Graz, Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE) demonstrated with muesli and Smarties some features of nanopharmaceutical production. Across the way, BNN let children and adults observe nanotechnologies in nature and in their daily lives, with experiments and memory games.

Many of us will be exhibiting next at European Researchers’ Night on 27 September – mark your calendars!